Dove andare all’Immacolata in Italia: le migliori mete (cosa fare e vedere)

Quest’anno più degli altri anni il ponte dell’Immacolata si presenta come un’ottima occasione per passare qualche giorno fuori casa. Il nostro Bel Paese offre veramente tanto da vedere e fare durante questo periodo festivo. C’è chi decide di visitare le nostre belle città d’arte, chi preferisce i caratteristici mercatini di Natale o una bella vacanza […]


Mercatini di Natale 2021 Merano: date e orari, dove alloggiare e come arrivare

Il periodo dei Mercatini di Natale a Merano è uno dei momenti più belli ed interessanti per visitare la città altoatesina, ma anche la zona circostante. Situata all’interno di una valle e circondata da alte montagne, in questo periodo la città di Merano ha un fascino unico e molto particolare che permette di vivere appieno […]


Rimanere felici e ispirati all’interno dell’appartamento

Mentre Airbnb ha iniziato a San Francisco ed è spesso associato a un’alternativa di alloggio a buon mercato nelle grandi città, quelli nelle zone rurali sembrano trarne beneficio quasi allo stesso modo. Il guadagno annuale mediano per gli host rurali era di 6.776 dollari in confronto ai 6.674 dollari mediani per gli host urbani. Come l’equilibrio della popolazione globale si è spostato verso le città, così hanno fatto le risorse del governo e il capitale commerciale, causando un crescente divario di opportunità economiche tra le aree urbane e quelle rurali.

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Benefits of Short-Term Business Rentals over Hotels

Everybody knows that traveling double occupancy is more cost-savvy. When travelling with someone, sharing a room will be cheaper than booking two separate rooms. If you are travelling in business with someone, we will host you at the best place in the city.To many business travelers, the idea of not staying at a hotel could be considered heretical. The predictability of hotels makes them look solid.

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Apartment Rental vs Hotel Stay in Europe

Apartment rentals are becoming popular as an alternative form of accommodations when you travel around the world these days. We’ve been lucky enough to stay in all sorts of accommodation over the years from cheap guest houses to five star resorts, and recently had the unique opportunity of staying in both an apartment and a hotel while visiting Venice.

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Vacation Rental Homes for the Young Traveler

Our vacation rental offers access to some of the best ski resorts in top Alps ski destinations. Here you can enjoy a fun ski vacation whether you’re headed for a double black diamond or the bunny slope. We’ve hosted televised extreme winter sports competitions for more than a decade – we featured the world-renowned sports with park to give  brave visitors a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to try bobsledding, skeleton or luge. Mountain in Sun Valley is known as one of the best teaching mountains in the country, and Beav outdoor ice skating rink is delightful family fun. There’s also après ski fine dining, boutique shopping and more in store for your ski vacation.

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How to Find the Best Apartments in the USA

Whether you’re looking for a secluded location, modern decor, extravagant furnishings, world-class service or a chalet with a twist, our reviews got you covered. We chose the best chalets across the Alps to carry out tried and tested reviews. Each chalet is rated out of 10 in the following categories: style, character, location, service, facilities, rooms, food and value for money to give you an in-depth look into what each property offers.

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How to Get the Most Out of Luxury Apartment

Traditionally, staying in a ski chalet was rather regimented and in most cases it still is. Wake up bright and early to a huge breakfast, return around four or five to mountains of cakes and hot chocolate before a four or five-course meal in the evening. But not everyone burns can burn calories on the snow each day so a tub of hot cheese, ham and buttery potatoes isn’t always necessary, but you need to get what you are given.

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